Sunday, August 30, 2015

TOP 10 Traits of a Rock Star Leasing Agent - The List WILL Surprise You!

Or should I have said "The list WILL NOT surprise you??!

There's A Rock Star Leasing Agent ... Then There's Everyone Else!

Everyone else comes to work to luck up on a lease, go to lunch on time just to come back late, do follow up calls just because they're told to do it simply because its part of the process and leave work at 4:55pm with prospects waiting in the lobby.

Rock Star Leasing Agents are simply cut from a different cloth therefore you gain a totally different experience with these people.

Trait #1: They dress for success!
Everyone can see a star shining bright - just like a Rock Star Leasing Agent, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to spot these people in a crowd.

Trait #2: They are always prepared!
Every noticed why Stacy writes everything down as it comes? Answer: So she can plan her day, week, month and coming months accordingly. As a aspiring successful Rock Star, you are nothing without your trusty notebook. Guest cards simply don't give you the ammo you need to shoot those constant contact bullets.

Trait #3: Positive attitude!
A smile and a "can - do" attitude will always take you further then otherwise.

Trait #4: They understand the art of "relationship building".
Understanding the art of "relationship building" is not an easy task and only a dedicated person will reach that "holy grail", if I may. This road comes with a lot of negative attitude confrontation, a lot of conflict resolution generating and a lot of smiles - think you're ready??!

Trait #5: They are innovative and proactive!
Proactive and innovative leasing is more than simple welcome home move - in gifts, follow - up calls and a super awesome model with cute little framed sayings. Proactive and innovative leasing engulfs more personal outlooks. Always remember your prospects have a name - the name of each individual prospect is different from the last and each with their own personality. So lets begin to think bigger then "prospect" - his name is Jason. Ask yourself, "What would Jason appreciate more, a regular ol' 'thank you for visiting' email or a post card of his favorite football team with your thank you on the opposite site?

For example, apart of our "Constant Contact Train" is instead of sending a simple email, making a simple follow up call, or sending a simple post card, we took it a bit further and stepped outside of the 90's leasing box. We actually send cookies, donuts or whatever else they told us was their favorite snack time food! Isn't that awesome!?!? Just imagine sitting at your work desk or getting home from a tiresome day at work only to find that UPS has delivered you something. For one, surprises are always fun! And for two, when they open it to see that it wasn't a surprise from a friend, co-worker, parent or sibling, but you - can you imagine what such a positive introduction does for the beginning of a new found relationship? The results will simply amaze you!

We could tell you tons of beautiful success stories, but we wont in this article, but stay tuned because its coming!

Trait #6: They are organized!
A dirty, unorganized and scatter-brained work space simply gives away your dark and innermost secrets - that you're dirty, unorganized and scatter-brained! OMG! But even if  by chance you're not, that's the image you portray.
Keep your area organized, clean and ready for anything. Instead of a ton of sticky notes all over your computer screen and guest cards spread all over your desk, derive a better method to stay organized. How you organize and handle adversity says a lot about you as a professional - let's make sure the right message is getting portrayed.

Trait #7: They go above and beyond the call of duty!
Look at your company sponsored job description for a leasing agent real hard , memorize every word on that page then ... ball it up and throw it away! Yep - Really!

The responsibilities, you already know. Your daily, monthly and weekly expectations, you've already organized accordingly, so there is nothing further that you're going to need of that silly piece of paper because what it doesn't tell you is that a Rock Star Leasing Agent goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Instead of outreach marketing ... GO OUTREACH MARKETING!

Instead of just ensuring that the make - ready is complete so your awesome new resident can move in ... ENSURE THAT THE APARTMENT IS COMPLETELY AWESOME FOR YOUR AWESOME NEW RESIDENT!

Go it??!! Good.

Trait #8: They love blowing up balloons!
Balloons make people happy and happy people love blowing up balloons!

Trait #9: They love their jobs and it shows!
Nothing further necessary.

Trait #10 They are committed to the positive goals of the team!
I just had to add this one - you're welcome and you can thank me later.
If you find yourself amongst a Leasing Agent that you know is not a team player, but furthermore, is not on the same positive accord with you as the team leader ... find you another leasing consultant (2nd)! OR, do everything you can as leader to encourage a transformation(1st). This breech will only lead to further problems and it does no justice to the prospect (foremost) whom is looking for a Rock Star Leasing Experience, to your team whom are looking for a Rock Star Team Player, or to you or your company whom deserve a Rock Star Leasing Agent.

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